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about me

I am a 33 years old Brazilian, born and raised in Salvador, capital of Bahia, and first capital of Brazil. As a child, I spent most of my time snorkeling and beach combing in Itacimirim, on the North coast of the state.


I love traveling, and have enjoyed the experience of living abroad. After spending 6 years between the United Kingdom and States, I returned to Salvador where I now live with my adorable husband Ben, and my nervous little rescued Chihuahua, Maya.


I am an outgoing person, who loves nature and people, and loves to engage with both, ideally at the same time.


When I am not busy with work, you can find me photographing, movie-making, crafting, and dancing.





Described by close friends as 'inventive' and 'resourceful', I love the idea of recycling material into art - either making new jewelry of old broken ones, or creating mosaic benches out of broken tiles and cable reels.


Photography has also accompanied me through my career and taught me how to see the world differently - and I believe better. Thanks to photography and movie-making skills, I have been able to join field excursions and courses for free, taking photos in return for room and board.


I am far from being a professional photographer. But opportunities to be close to nature, patience, and attentive eyes can bring you to amazing shot opportunities, even if your settings are just on 'automatic' and you don't do more than clicking. (!)


*Favorite things: diving, reading and eating. :)

*Not much fun: stats and academic writing. :(




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